2023年度 | |
実績内容 | 症例数 |
母体搬送(妊娠中) | 29 |
母体搬送(産後) | 38 |
2023年度 | |
実績内容 | 症例数 |
総入院数 | 276 |
人工呼吸管理症例(C-PAPを除く) | 105 |
新生児外科手術症例 | 21 |
極低出生体重児(1,500g未満) | 21 |
超低出生体重児(1,000g未満) | 8 |
牧野 真太郎
産婦人科 教授
経歴 | 2001年 順天堂大学医学部卒業 2003年 順天堂大学医学部産科婦人学講座専攻生 2005年 カナダアルバータ大学留学 2008年 順天堂大学医学部産科婦人学講座助教 2012年 順天堂医院産婦人科准教授 2018年 同 先任准教授 2020年 順天堂大学浦安病院産婦人科教授 |
専門 | 周産期医学 |
資格 | 日本産科婦人科学会専門医・指導医、母体保護法指定医師、日本周産期・新生児医学会周産期専門医、日本女性医学学会女性ヘルスケア暫定指導医 |
その他 | 2008年・2010年 順天堂大学産婦人科学講座同窓会学術奨励賞 2013年 日本産婦人科学会ボランティア賞(気仙沼市立病院勤務) 2019年 順天堂大学同窓会学術奨励賞 |
浦安市、市川市をはじめとする東葛南部医療圏から千葉県 全域の緊急母体搬送ネットワーク(C-MATS)において、ハイリスク妊婦(切迫早産・多胎・前置胎盤・常位胎盤早期剥離・ 妊娠高血圧症候群など)およびハイリスク新生児(早産児・低 出生体重児・病的新生児)の受け入れを行ってきました。地域周産期母子医療センターは2011年1月の開設以来、近隣産婦人科からの母体搬送、院内および近隣産婦人科で出生し た児の入院受け入れを積極的に行っています。 赤ちゃんがお母さんのおなかにいる時から安全かつ最良の 治療が提供できるように、産婦人科・小児科・小児外科の各 診療科が24時間365日体制で連携して治療方針を決定して います。対象となる疾患は早産児(22週以降)、低出生体重 児(胎児発育不全を含む)、新生児仮死、呼吸障害、感染症、 黄疸、低血糖、哺乳不全、染色体異常・奇形症候群、新生児 外科疾患(消化管、呼吸器、腎泌尿生殖器)などの医療介入が必要な児です。体外式血液浄化療法(エンドトキシン除去 療法を含む)、仮死に伴う低酸素性虚血性脳症児への脳低体 温療法、新生児に対する低侵襲手術(胸腔鏡・腹腔鏡手術)な ど、先進治療も対応可能です。現在、新生児病棟にはNICU(新生児特定集中治療室)9床、GCU(新生児治療回復室)15床の計24床を有し、新生児診療を行っています。
髙橋 健
小児科 教授
経歴 | 1994年 信州大学卒業 2000年 順天堂大学大学院卒業 2004年9月~2005年8月 カナダ・Sick Kids Hospital, Clinical Research Fellow 2005年9月~2007年12月 カナダ・アルバータ大学, Clinical Research Fellow 2010年10月~2018年10月 順天堂大学医学部小児科学講座 准教授 2018年10月 順天堂大学医学部小児科学講座 先任准教授 2022年4月 順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院 小児科 科長補佐 2023年7月 順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院 小児科 教授 |
専門 | 小児循環器 |
資格 | 医学博士、日本小児科学会小児科専門医・小児科指導医、日本小児循環器学会専門医、日本心エコー図学会暫定専門医、臨床研修指導医 |
所属学会 | 日本小児科学会(代議員)、日本小児循環器学会(評議員、日本小児循環器学会雑誌日本語誌編集長)、日本心エコー図学会(評議員)、日本循環器学会、日本超音波学会、American Society of Echocardiography |

西﨑 直人
小児科 先任准教授
経歴 | 2002年 順天堂大学卒業 2005年9月 University of Alabama at Birmingham, Division of Pathology 2007年6月 順天堂大学医学部附属静岡病院 新生児センター 2008年3月 順天堂大学大学院医学研究科卒業 2008年4月 埼玉県立小児医療センター 腎臓科 2010年4月 順天堂大学医学部附属静岡病院 新生児センター 2013年12月 順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院 小児科 助教 2017年8月 順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院 小児科 准教授 2023年8月 順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院 小児科 先任准教授 |
専門 | 小児腎臓泌尿器、夜尿症、新生児、臨床遺伝 |
資格 | 医学博士、小児科専門医・指導医、周産期専門医(新生児)・代表指導医、腎臓専門医・指導医、臨床遺伝専門医、臨床研修指導医 |
所属学会 | 日本小児科学会(代議員)、日本新生児成育医学会(代議員)、日本周産期・新生児医学会(評議員)、日本小児腎臓病学会(代議員)、日本夜尿症学会(理事)、日本小児泌尿器科学会(評議員) |
- Rie Seyama, Shintaro Makino, Mitsuko Shinohara, Masaya Takahashi, Anna Sato, Jun Takeda, Satoru Takeda, Atsuo Itakura. Advantages of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and uterine balloon tamponade during intrauterine evacuation of retained products of conception. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 17-20; 9, 2021
- Up-regulation of cytosolic prostaglandin E synthase in fetal-membrane and amniotic prostaglandin E2 accumulation in labor PLOS ONE 2021 23;16(4):e0250638
- Makino S. Usefulness of fibrinogen concentrate in critical obstetric hemorrhage: Up to date with a systematic review. Juntendo Medical Journal 2021
- Takahashi N, Okuno T, Fujii H, Makino S, Takahashi M, Ohba M, Saeki K, Itakura A, Takeda S, Yokomizo T. Up-regulation of cytosolic prostaglandin E synthase in fetal-membrane and amniotic prostaglandin E2 accumulation in labor PLOS ONE 2021 23;16(4):e0250638
- Morikawa M, Matsunaga S, Makino S, Takeda Y, Hyoudo H, Nii M, Serizawa M, Itakura A, Adachi T, Kobayashi T. Effect of hypofibrinogenemia on obstetrical disseminated intravascular coagulation in Japan in 2018: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Hematology 114(1):18-34, 2021.
- Takahashi M, Takeda J, Haneda S, Ishii S, Shinohara M, Yoshida E, Sato A, Makino S, Itakura A. “Step-by-Step” minimally invasive hemostatic technique using intrauterine double-balloon tamponade combined with uterine isthmus vertical compression suture for the control of placenta accreta and severe atonic hemorrhage during a cesarean section. Surg J 2021; 7: e216-e221.
- Takahashi M, Makino M, Oguma K, Imai H, Takamizu A, Koizumi A, Yoshida K. Chronic active Epstein–Barr virus-associated secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in pregnancy: a case report. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 6; 21: 678, 2021.
- Seyama R, Tsuchida N, Okada Y, Sakata S, Hamada K, Azuma Y, Hamanaka K, Fujita A, Koshimizu E, Miyatake S, Mizuguchi T, Makino S, Itakura A, Okada S, Okamoto N, Ogata K, Uchiyama Y, Matsumoto N. Two families with TET3-related disorder showing neurodevelopmental delay withcraniofacial dysmorphisms. J Hum Genet. 67:157-164, 2022.
- Seyama R, Makino S, Nojiri S, Takeda J, Suzuki T, Maruyama Y, Takeda S, Itakura A. Retrospective analysis of the effectiveness of cervical cerclage in preventing recurrent preterm birth. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 2021
- Arai N E, Yoneda S, Yoneda N, Ito M, Tsuda S, Shiozaki A, Nohira T, Hyodo H, Kumazawa K, Suzuki T, Nagasaki S, Makino S, Saito S. Probiotics including Clostridium butyricum, Enterococcus faecium, and Bacillus subtilis may prevent recurrent spontaneous preterm delivery. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 48: 688-693, 2022.
- Suzuki H, Takagi K, Matsubara K, Mito A, Kawasaki K, Nanjo S, Mimura K, Bokuda K, Makino S, Nakamoto O, Ichihara A, Seki H, on behalf of the Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (JSSHP). Maternal and perinatal outcomes according to blood pressure levels for prehypertension: A review and meta-analysis. Hypertens Res Pregnancy Hypertens Res Pregnancy 2022; 10: 29–39.
- Takagi K, Nakamoto O, Watanabe K, Tanaka K, Matsubara K, Kawabata I, Iriyama T, Koide K, Kondoh E, Suzuki H, Takahashi N, Makino S, Mimura K, Mito A, Takeda J, Yamasaki M, Saito S, Ichihara A, Seki H. A Review of the Best Practice Guide 2021 for the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) Hypertens Res Pregnancy 10: 57–73, 2022.
- Takeda S, Takeda J, Makino S, Nakayama T, Iriyama T, Nagamatsu T, Kondoh E. Characteristics and hemostatic effects of a new Atom uterine hemostatic balloon for postpartum hemorrhage: initial experience with 17 cases. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 2022; 10: 40-46.
- Masaoka R, Ohno M, Takamizu A, Koizumi A, Yoshida K, Makino S. A case of unscarred uterine rupture complicated by bladder rupture after vacuum extraction delivery. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 2022; 10: 47–51.
- Matsuda A, Nishizaki N, Abe H, Mizutani A, Niizuma T, Obinata K, Oguma K, Makino S, Ishitate M, Shimizu T. An infant of 26 weeks gestation with congenital miliary tuberculosis complicated by chronic lung disease requiring CPAP was diagnosed on Day 104 of life: congenital tuberculosis was confirmed by detection of calcified ovaries in his mother. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2022 May;42(2):72-77.
- Seyama R, Makino S.“Should we perform cerclage as late as possible and wait until the cervix dilated >10 mm as physical examination-indicated cerclage for subjects in the article?” Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2022-07-01, Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages 732-732.
- Hirayama S, Sagara R, Ueno T, Hori A, Kobori Y, Kai T, Nishioka E, Matsukawa T, Makino S, Miida T. Lipoprotein lipase concentration in umbilical cord blood reflects neonatal birth weight. Clinica Chimica Acta 2022 IF6.3
- Oda T, Mitsuda N, Miyakoshi K, Makino S, Ishii K, Kurasawa K, Kubo T, Shimoya K, Ikeda T, Kanayama N."A Nationwide Study of Obstetric Management and Outcomes in Premature Rupture of Membrane at Term: Report from the Perinatology Committee, Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2017–2018. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2023 Jan;49(1):68-74.
- Seyama R, Uchiyama Y, Ceroni JRM, Kim VEH, Furquim I, Honjo RS, Castro MAA, Pires LVL, Aoi H, Iwama K, Hamanaka K, Fujita A, Tsuchida N, Koshimizu E, Misawa K, Miyatake S, Mizuguchi T, Makino S, Itakura A, Bertola DR, Kim CA, Matsumoto N. Pathogenic variants detected by RNA sequencing in Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Genomics. 2022 Sep;114(5):110468.
- Fukuoka M, Okumura T, Hayashi A, Takeda N, Ono M , Ichiyama T, Takamizu A, Koizumi A, Ujihira T, Yoshida K, Makino S. A case of a refractory bleeding giant vaginal wall cavernous hemangioma successfully managed with sclerotherapy. American Journal of Case Reports. 2023
- Tanaka Y, Murashima A, Atsumi T, Dobashi H, Murakawa Y, Momohara S, Kawaguchi H, Tanigaki S, Makino S, Saito S. The management of women of child-bearing age with rheumatoid arthritis: an expert report. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2023
- Ohno M, Kikuchi I, Shinozaki I, Shirosaki Y, Ichiyama T, Makino S, Yoshida K. The importance of social oocyte cryopreservation in supporting local municipalities. BMC Women's Health 2023
- Suzuki T, Takeda J, Seyama R, Makino S, Takeda S, Itakura A. Cervical Cerclage to Prevent Intrauterine Balloon Prolapse. The Surgery Journal 9 2023
- Seyama R, Uchiyama Y, Kaneshi Y, Hamanaka K, Fujita A, Tsuchida N, Koshimizu E, Misawa K, Miyatake S, Mizuguchi T, Makino S, Itakura A, Okamoto N, Matsumoto N. Distal arthrogryposis in a girl arising from a novel TNNI2 variant inherited from paternal somatic mosaicism. Journal of Human Genetics 2023
- Seyama R, Nishikawa M, Yuri Uchiyama Y, Hamada K, Yamamoto Y, Takeda M, Ochi T, Kishi M, Suzuki T, Hamanaka K, Fujita A, Tsuchida N, Koshimizu E, Misawa K, Miyatake S, Mizuguchi T, Makino S, Yao Y, Ito H, Itakura A, Ogata K, Nagata K, Matsumoto N. 16A missense variant at the RAC1-PAK1 binding site of RAC1 inactivates downstream signaling in VACTERL association. Sci Rep 16;13(1):9789, 2023
- Hirashima C, Mimura K, Ohmaru-Nakanishi T, Kotera K, Takahashi K, Saito S, Seki H, Watanabe K, Naruse K, Makino S, Metoki H, Matsubara S, Ichihara A, Ohkuchi A. Prevalence of chronic hypertension and white coat hypertension in women presenting with at least one hypertension level on two to three consecutive measurements in a clinical setting at <20 weeks of gestation (JP-WCH1 study): A multicenter prospective cohort study. Hypertension Research in Pregnancy. 2023
- Fukuoka M, Okumura T, Hayashi A, Takeda N, Ono M, Ichiyama T, Takamizu A, Koizumi A, Ujihira T, Yoshida K, Makino S. A case of a refractory bleeding giant vaginal wall cavernous hemangioma successfully managed with sclerotherapy. American Journal of Case Reports.
- Shintaro Makino, Masaya Takahashi, Kyoko Oguma, Haruka Imai, Ai Takamizu, Akari Koizumi, and Koyo Yoshida Fetal growth restriction as the initial findings of preeclampsia is a clinical predictor of maternal and perinatal prognosis: A single-center retrospective study. 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation March 21 - 25, 2023 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
- Makino S:Usefulness of fibrinogen concentrate in critical obstetric hemorrhage: Up to date with a systematic review. Juntendo Medical Journal 2021
- Takahashi N, Okuno T, Fujii H, Makino S, Takahashi M, Ohba M, Saeki K, Itakura A, Takeda S, Yokomizo T:Up-regulation of cytosolic prostaglandin E synthase in fetal-membrane and amniotic prostaglandin E2 accumulation in labor PLOS ONE 2021 23;16(4):e0250638
- Morikawa M, Matsunaga S, Makino S, Takeda Y, Hyoudo H, Nii M, Serizawa M, Itakura A, Adachi T, Kobayashi T:Effect of hypofibrinogenemia on obstetrical disseminated intravascular coagulation in Japan in 2018: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Hematology 114(1):18-34, 2021.
- Takahashi M, Takeda J, Haneda S, Ishii S, Shinohara M, Yoshida E, Sato A, Makino S, Itakura A:“Step-by-Step” minimally invasive hemostatic technique using intrauterine double-balloon tamponade combined with uterine isthmus vertical compression suture for the control of placenta accreta and severe atonic hemorrhage during a cesarean section. Surg J 2021; 7: e216-e221.
- Takahashi M, Makino M, Oguma K, Imai H, Takamizu A, Koizumi A, Yoshida K:Chronic active Epstein–Barr virus-associated secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in pregnancy: a case report. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 6; 21: 678, 2021.
- Seyama R, Tsuchida N, Okada Y, Sakata S, Hamada K, Azuma Y, Hamanaka K, Fujita A, Koshimizu E, Miyatake S, Mizuguchi T, Makino S, Itakura A, Okada S, Okamoto N, Ogata K, Uchiyama Y, Matsumoto N:Two families with TET3-related disorder showing neurodevelopmental delay withcraniofacial dysmorphisms. J Hum Genet. 67:157-164, 2022.
- Seyama R, Makino S, Nojiri S, Takeda J, Suzuki T, Maruyama Y, Takeda S, Itakura A:Retrospective analysis of the effectiveness of cervical cerclage in preventing recurrent preterm birth. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 2021
- Arai N E, Yoneda S, Yoneda N, Ito M, Tsuda S, Shiozaki A, Nohira T, Hyodo H, Kumazawa K, Suzuki T, Nagasaki S, Makino S, Saito S:Probiotics including Clostridium butyricum, Enterococcus faecium, and Bacillus subtilis may prevent recurrent spontaneous preterm delivery. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 48: 688-693, 2022.
- Suzuki H, Takagi K, Matsubara K, Mito A, Kawasaki K, Nanjo S, Mimura K, Bokuda K, Makino S, Nakamoto O, Ichihara A, Seki H:on behalf of the Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (JSSHP). Maternal and perinatal outcomes according to blood pressure levels for prehypertension: A review and meta-analysis. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 2022.
- Takagi K, Nakamoto O, Watanabe K, Tanaka K, Matsubara K, Kawabata I, Iriyama T, Koide K, Kondoh E, Suzuki H, Takahashi N, Makino S, Mimura K, Mito A, Takeda J, Yamasaki M, Saito S, Ichihara A, Seki H:A Review of the Best Practice Guide 2021 for the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) Hypertens Res Pregnancy 10: 57–73, 2022.
- Takeda S, Takeda J, Makino S, Nakayama T, Iriyama T, Nagamatsu T, Kondoh E:Characteristics and hemostatic effects of a new Atom uterine hemostatic balloon for postpartum hemorrhage: initial experience with 17 cases. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 2022.
- Nishizaki N, Obinata K, Shimizu T:Polymyxin B-Immobilized fiber column direct hemoperfusion for micro-preemie infants: Is extended duration better than early start?. Blood Purif 15:1-3, 2021
- Nishizaki N, Shima T, Watanabe A, Obinata K, Shimizu T:Unsatisfactory short-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm infants who received polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column-direct hemoperfusion for septic shock. Tohoku J Exp Med 253:275-281, 2021.
- Nishizaki N, Shimizu T:Is exchange transfusion for severe neonatal infection preferable to polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column for direct hemoperfusion: Pros and cons. Tohoku J Exp Med 254:141-142, 2021.
- Awata K, Shoji H, Santosa I, Ikeda N, Murano Y, Ohkawa N, Nishizaki N, Hisata K, Kantake M, Obinata K, Shimizu T:Associations between size at birth and size at 6 years among preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study. Pediatr Int 64:e14844, 2021.